Three tomorrow! Poor little love has just been sick all over the bed!! he was covered so he has had to have a bath. We're not sure why... bug or too much snacking on crisps. We had a barbecue today, a pre birthday party. He didnt eat too much really, I dont think, but Darren seems to think he ate a lot of cheesy Doritos. Anyway, he is sleeping again, wrapped in a towel with Daddy cuddling him. He has a very loose chest (Yuck sorry) and was almost sick this morning when coughing so perhaps it was that. :( Poor thing.

I just finished making this card for him. I used Penny Black letters and number. Its a large card, or rather a long card. A4 folded in half longways.
Right better go and sort his bed out, thankfully its warm so he wont need a quilt as thats in the washing machine.
Poor Caiden! Hope he's feeling better now in time to have a happy birthday!
Love the card, Caz, fab!
this is fab! I made something simular last year for my niece Emily x
Happy Birthday Caiden!
Great card I hope he liked it, and I hope he is soon feeling much better x
This is sweet. You are going to have one happy 3 year old. I would like to give you the "One Lovely Blog Award" you may collect it here, Denise
Happy birthday to Caiden! I don't know if you remember me - I was on the June 06 Babyworld group as well (I had Alfie). I can't believe they are 3 already! Hope you're all well.
I saw you listed on the Sir Stampalot blog so thought I'd come over and have a look.
Lovely colourful card Caz.
Jane :0)
Lovely card, hope he is getting better now, must be something going round, my Zo has it today:(
Hugs Sarah-Jane xx
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